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The Prophet & Moderator

Registered: 06-2007
Posts: 5961
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The Towels

The Towels

classification: paulesque

(behind the scenes image contributed by jess)

The Towels are hidden behind The Television in The Eye and the Prime Object during Dr. Martin Ruber’s vision in the desert. They are positioned on the towel rack in the bathroom.

The Towels presumably represent a set of towels, each towel having a distinct power. The powers of The Towels, if they exist, are completely unknown.

The Towels are fairly nondescript cream or white colored towels.

Last edited by Spikosauropod, 11/15/2009, 4:11 pm
10/19/2009, 7:54 pm Link to this post Send Email to Spikosauropod   Send PM to Spikosauropod

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